
Archive for May, 2015

The week for the “intricate” challenge has come and gone, but after a beautiful nature walk over the weekend, surrounded by buds, I decided I still wanted to post on the theme.

Nature produces intricate works every day, the most elaborate of which, to me, are tree blossoms:

Tree Blossom

Intricate “Sneeze” inducer…

And so man tries his own hand at “intricate”…

Man's intricate stonework...

Man’s intricate stonework…

But man and nature sometimes work (unintentionally) together, and nature transforms man’s work into something more intricate:

peeling paint

Cracked Wood and Peeling Paint can be beautiful…

Now that I think about it, this works for last week’s challenge as well: forces of nature. Nature’s force is sometimes just steady and relentless…I’d say the last photo shows what a little steady constant “force” can do.

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